We believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father. We know that Jesus is our Savior and loves us more than we will ever know. We know that through Him ALL things are possible. We know that God always calls prophets and that He restored the true church through Joseph Smith who became a prophet. He has called prophets since Adam and still calls them today. We believe that Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet today. How cool is that..we have a prophet on earth today to help and guide us. We also have the Book Of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ to help guide us. We know with all our might that this book is true. We know it because we prayed and asked Heavenly Father if it is true. He answered our prayer just like he can for you. We know that Families can be together FOREVER. We are truly grateful for that.

For more information please visit mormon.org.