Monday, March 19, 2012

Over the weekend...

It has been absolutely gorgeous out over the past few weeks! We have tried to get out as much as possible and luckily we have lots of trails and national partks close by.  Yesterday, we decided to have an early dinner and when I say early I mean like early bird early...3:30 pm to be exact.  We had an early dinner so we could go on a nice evening walk on one of our favorite trails.  This trail is attached to Valley Forge National Park.

As you can see it was such a beautiful day! This is our favorite trail because it is where Dave asked me to marry him! How special is that??? 

It was so relaxing and the air smelled so fresh.. it is right along a river and so that makes it that muh better!

(This is the spot where we got engaged!)

We are really lookig forward to getting out our road bikes and doing some biking! We have really been spoiled with such nice weather! I hope it stays like that!

1 comment:

  1. We need to get out and do that more. Where is this trail?
