Monday, January 7, 2013


This Christmas was pretty low key. Dave was sick and we were sort of lazy people and it ended up just being the 3 of us! It was actually a lot of fun and we would not have wanted it any other way. It was a great way to spend Dri's first Christmas!

Here is a pic of our (UGLY) tree on Christmas eve...I say ugly because I just did not like it as much this year as the previous years but it got us by!

Christmas morning we woke up at the normal time (around 7:30) and came downstairs! Even though Dri is just a baby we still did what we will always do. It was fun to carry her down! Oh and just a side note..we usually open up one gift on Christmas eve which are pajamas but we just didn't have time this year and i was pretty bummed out about it so Dri is not in her Christmas pajamas!

So here we are coming to see what Santa brought Dri.....

The first thing Dave and Dri opened were their pajamas! LOL so we quickly put them on! 
We took our time opening gifts (in between naps) and we ate a few cannolis in between. 
In fact we even ate a cannoli for breakfast! Why not?

It was cute playing with Dri and even though she doesn't get it or is too young to play with some of the toys she got we still had a lot of fun.

I ended up fixing a brisket and some sides. We really didn't do too much for food but it was perfect for us.
Christmas is so much more fun when you have a kid! We are looking forward to next year! 

One last cute pic of Dri...

Although, I am not a fan of the big bows this was cute with her outfit!

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

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