Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dad update

My dad is 81. Pretty old. He has cracked jokes for 20 years at the first I every year that that year could be his last- well this year he really may be right.
A couple Mondays ago my dads nose starting gushing blood. I mean blood clots were gushing out. He kept falling over and so they called an ambulance. He was rushed to the ER. They immediately ran a bunch of test. They found that his platelets were at a low of 19,000 - they should be at 250,000. What this means is tht his blood wasn't (isn't) clotting and he can bleed out.
They ended up keeping him for a little over a week. They did a bone marrow scan and numerous blood transfusions and kept giving him more platelets. His body pretty much is rejecting them. They found he has scar tissue on his bone marrow and still waiting for more test to come back. Needless to say the doctors are saying my dada illness is terminal. They say he could pass this year sometime and said possibly within the next 2 months.
They transferred him to a rehab on tues afternoon. Well, his platelets got down to 13,000 last night and back to the ER he went. Thy were able to get them up o 41,000 . Which is good. We will see how long they last.
I feel bad for my family out west. I wish I was there to help. Me and Audriana are flying out early Sunday morning to see my dad and potentially say our goodbyes. I don't think it has hit me yet. This came to us all as a complete shock! I mean, we thought my dad would outlive all of us!
Who knows he still could:)
I pray that he will be at peace and feel peace in his life. I pray that my mom ill be comforted. I pray that everything will work out.
I am grateful for those who have reached out to my family. I am grateful for the gospel and the loving people that go to church with my parents. I am grateful that they have gone to visit my dad no matter what time of day it is. I am grateful for the love they have shown. It means a lot to us.
Dad, we look forward to seeing you in a few short days!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about you and your dad. I am so happy to hear that you will be able to see him and the rest of your family.
