Monday, July 28, 2014

Weaning Dri

So, we knew we needed to wean Dri. She was still nursing 1-2 times during the night and 3x a day. 

 Because I had a miscarriage in January my dr wanted to see me as soon as I got my possitive .. Which was sooner than we thought. I got prego again about a month after having a miscarriage. So I went in at 4 weeks and my dr said you have 2 weeks to wean Dri... My other dr told me i could nurse until 12-13 weeks which would've been ok. I was very surprised. I had done my research I knew it was safe to nurse throughout pregnancy and figured once my supply dropped Dri would just self wean. I cried a little. Me and Dave prayed about it. We felt like we should at least night wean her. So I actually did it! For those that know us know that we are against cry it out. .. So that wasn't an option. She also sleeps in our bed. Again, we love it. 

So when she woke I just sang I am a child of god to her and rocked her back to sleep. It surprisingly went fine. I know that prayer helped. 

I decided to gradually take away the feedings. We finally got it down to just the before bed nursing session. One day she didn't even ask for it.. But I did it anyway. She ended up gettin sick with a horrible cold and couldn't even breath so she was unable to nurse. I took it as a sign that it was time for her to be all the way done. I just sang I am a child of god and rocked her. She fell asleep within 10 minutes never asked for it and never cried. She has never asked for it since. 

My milk was pretty much gone anyways. The whole weaning thing was such a blessing. Heavenly Father really helped us. It went so smoothly. I never thought Dri would wean. I am very grateful I was able to nurse for 20 months. I am glad my body allows me to get pregnant and allows me to produce plenty of milk. 

I love nursing. I can't wait to nurse the new baby! 

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