Thursday, December 6, 2012


Audriana is sleeping thru the night!

I am very grateful for this! As a first time mom I really thought it was going to be much easier than what it has been for me. I thought that because I had been nanny for 8 years and an aunt since I was 8 I would know exactly what to expect and that with Dri being "my" kid it would be easier.
I also thought that even though people kept saying..oh be ready for no sleep and to always be tired...that I wouldn't be and in fact I always just laughed those comments off . Well, I will tell you what....I get it now!
I rarely slept when I was pregnant. I was usually awake most the night and never took a nap. I really thought I was prepared for waking up for feedings. I was not. I will tell you the difference...When I was awake while pregnant it was just me that was awake. I could watch movies, tv or whatever. I could chillax the next day and not really have anything planned and that was ok. Well, with a new baby you HAVE to wake up no matter how tired you are (having Dave give her a bottle is harder then me actually nursing). She needs me to eat and sometimes it takes an hour..just to feed her, change her diaper (Dada changes them) and get her back to sleep and then yourself back to sleep and once you are back to sleep they are up again! Then,the next day you don't only have yourself to take care of but a little precious it is way more exhausting and nothing can ever really prepare you for it. Don't get me wrong it is all absolutely worth it and the greatest thing in the world! However, I am very grateful that Dri is sleeping thru the night.
I really can't believe that she is sleeping for at least 7 hours straight a night. She even slept for almost 10 one night. Of course, this does not mean I sleep that manyhours straight because I still need to get up to pump. :)
This started happening on November 11. I remember the date because my mom was here and was leaving on the 12th and I was going to be alone on that night becuase Dave was out of town. When she slept thru the night on 11-11 I was hoping it would continue. Well, there have been a few nights here and there where she will wake up once or twice but for the most part we are good to go!
We started a night time routine with her when she was about 1 month old. This is how our routine goes....we take Dri up around 8-8:30 and wash her hands, face and butt or give her a bath. Then I continue to feed her and around 9-9:30 we give her gas drops (HUGE help) then swaddle her up and put her in the bassinet. We just stuck with this and I wil tell you what. .. she needs a routine. If we are out and about in the evening she gets fussy and it throws her off so in the end it is not worth it.

This has worked well for us! Now, if this mommy could just not be so attached to Dridri then maybe she would sleep in her crib for even longer! This mamma just doesn't want her to be that far away and in her own room all by herself!
We absolutely love Audriana more than anything and these last 12 weeks have been by far the best!


  1. Move the crib into your room. I started keeping Xander in my room with me because I hated being away from him, and it wasn't until I moved down to Provo and Keone wouldn't allow the kids in the room with me that he started sleeping on his own and in his own bed. Granted, he slept in the bed with me and his dad, and if there wasn't room in our bed, he would just sleep at our feet. Just some advice, but always do what works best for you, Dave, and your precious one. But if she will sleep alone and not in your bed, I encourage that. So glad for you Nan, and one day I will get out there so that you can meet my children and visa versa. Or next time Dave will let you come to Utah, you need to make sure you hit me up. Love you guys

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  4. Yeah we have her in our room in her bassinet! She loves it! Her bassinet is literally right next to my side of the bed! I like waking up with her that close to me:) we will probably start having her nap in her crib!! Miss ya and we are coming to Utah next September!
