Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nordstrom fashion show..

This could be a long story so I will make it
We have been needed new carpet for a LONG time and our landlord decided he wanted to do it the week I was due with yeah right! so he finally did it a few months ago which was a total pain in the butt and seriously such an inconvenience especially since they did not communicate with us and they only finished half our house at a time.... was still cooler out and so me and dri could not be at home while they did the carpeting so we ventured out to the mall (Like where else would we go?)  oh and nordstrom has a great mothers room that is perfect to nurse dri. so we first hit up nordstom. ... i also have to add that me and dave literally have been collecting gift cards for a few years (like so many that we have like thousands of dollars in gift cards) so i have had a few gift cards to nordstrom so that is the other reason we hit up nordstrom first.. of course dri was her usual cheeser self and was totally cheesing it for everyone. when i say cheesing it i mean it. she smiles and coos and makes all kinds of noises when we are around people and sometimes she will do it so much until the person she is looking at looks at her and then she looks away. its too the lady in the childrens department was getting such a kick out of dri they asked her to be a model in the fashion show! Well, duh who would say no to that!!!!The show was scheduled for mar 23... 
dave was going to be away that weekend and my mom was suppose to come out (but obviously did not because of my dad)..i was already a little stressed because i work saturdays and with my mom not coming anymore and dave being gone i didn't know how we could do it..luckily i was able to get work off ..phew
my dear friend meagan took the day off to come with me (so SWEET of her) and daves parents came and so did my lovely brenda hansen.
we arrived around 8 am. Dri was all smiles from the beginning.
 There she is with her pop-pop

They served us breakfast and gave us  coupons for a free meal after and also awe got a whole 15% off for the entire day! *that is a big deal for nordstrom

We were one of the first ones to walk down the runway...dri was seriously so cute and we had such a hard time getting pictures because of how many people were there! 
She was just too cute and made people smile!

 This is us after! She got super tired by the time it was all over! 
We enjoyed some shopping and lunch after. 
Oh, and Dri gets to be in their fall fashion show too! I think me and dave are more excited than she is:)

1 comment:

  1. She is a doll. How exciting! That is awesome that she gets to do it again in the fall.
